Products Categories

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Contatori (immagine di anteprima)
Positive Displacement Meters

Positive Displacement is a very reliable flow meter type, which, in the rotary sliding vane design as the ISOIL one.

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Vega T2 A01 Terminal EN Small
Electronic Counters

VEGA series electronic heads for the control of hydrocarbon loading and metering systems.

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Strainers and Gas Separators

Strainers and Gas Separators designed for use with volumetric meters

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Isovalve 3'' 2SLR

2-stage or Multistep pre-setting valves, mechanical or pneumatic preset valves, double block and bleed fiscal valves

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MT40 Green Light
Electrical Grounding Systems

Grounding system suitable for: tank trucks and trains, FIBC.

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Fleximix Additive Injection System

Additive systems for performance additives and coloring / adulteration of fiscal applications for tax exempt products.

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Unita Di Rifornimento
Refuelling units

Sistemi di misurazione inseriti in armadio in acciaio inox completi di manichetta, pistola erogatrice e sistema di misura adatto per il rifornimento di pescherecci e barche o per elicotteri e aerei.

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Master meter scontornata
Master Meters and Proving Tanks

Master Meters are high-precision meters that speed up calibration operations

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Electronic badge readers (SBR)

The SBR contactless badge reader, designed for mounting in a classified area, allows the radio frequency reading of the badge

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Large Digit Ex Display

LFD-6 is an ATEX certified large-digit display also visible from a distance

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ISOIL offers various solutions for printing measurement data, both for mobile applications (tankers and aviation refuelers) and for fixed installations in the control room and in any case for a safe area.

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EM6422 bianco
Pulse Emitters

The EM6422 pulse emitter converts the rotary movement of a volumetric meter into an electrical signal, allowing interfacing with ISOIL electronic heads (VEGA T, VEGA 3) or third-party devices.

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